CyberLink.PowerDVD.Ultra.12.0.1905.56 FINAL.. CyberLink.PowerDVD.Ultra adalah software pemutar video yang dapat menghasilkan kualitas video yang sangat tinggi. dan sobat dapat MEMUTAR VIDEO DENGAN HD BLURAY, serta dukungan 3D, [ untuk 3d harus beli kacamatanya ya.. ehhehe] hanya memang untuk speck komputer yang mini.. di sarankan jangan.. kalo enggak pengen LETOY tu komputer.. speck besar.. cekidot.
Total size : 120 MBCyberLink PowerDVD 12
1) Activate the program using the patched Sim (PowerDVD12.sim and CLAud.sim).
2) Activation of DVD-Audio with support for MLP.
3) Having a complete set of icons, Media Logos (Media.zip).
4) Compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Features CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 12.0.1905.56 hardware designs :
Finally, the display quality videos
Full compatibility with all types of CDs
Support for Dolby Digital sound
Channel audio support
Ability to capture videos
MoovieLive sharing feature films made by you
Enlarge the size of your films in the 1920s in 1080, without compromising quality
Supports 16:9 and 4:3 picture stretch technology
Access to video content by options IHD, BD-J
Advanced controls and smart DVD playback facilities
The quality of the sound output
Compatible graphics accelerator processor, graphics software with ATI, NVIDIA, Intel
Wide screen displays supported automatic
Visit our ability to use very efficient in Laptop Batteries
Partnership with two companies Intel and Nvidia in order to process information and pictures
Free style control's choice from among 5 UI, skin types and colors
With the latest content protection standards for data such as CPRM, VCPS
CLEV2 advanced technology for better images and colors
Compatible with various audio and video formats
The ability to move you out captioned films
Compatible with different versions of Windows, including the popular Windows 7
Support technology for three-dimensional images and three-dimensional films
Show almost all formats of audio and video
New design software
View pictures and videos better than previous version
Three-dimensional display DVD
Finally, the sound quality using the latest technologies
This version is shaggy and does not require activation
The difference with the original version, which is high in Hjmsh I just put the English in this version.
Microsoft Visual C + + 2005 and 2008 Redistributable Package and remove it if you need a separate download and install this plugin.
CLUpdater, OLRSubmission and MoovieLive is also removed.
- Setelah Selesai, Download, SILAHKAN Langsung INSTALL
- Tunggu Beberapa Saat, Dan LIHAT ICON DI DESKTOP
- Silahkan jalankan ICON CYBERLINK DVD di DESKTOP
- ENjoy..
==> CyberLink.PowerDVD.Ultra.12.0.1905.56[www.kuyhaa-android19.com] 100MB
password : www.kuyhaa-android19.com
semoga bermanfaat guys..
kuyhAa� androiD�?
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