ASHAMPOO SNAP 6.0.3 adalah software untuk sobat yang dapat di gunkan untuk membidik atau mengambil gambar dari dekstop sobat. ya masa iya hari gini pake mau ngambil gambar di komputer aja pake HP.. nah.. ini salah satu software jenis nya. kalo sobat sudah menggunakan microsoft office 2010 fasilitas screen capture itu sudah di sediakan. nah.. kalo belum punya. yuk.. silahkan ..
Features software Ashampoo Snap:
Three capture mode, the Windows environment and general imaging applications and imaging based on that scale and imaging software you release the mouse in any part of the Windows environment and applications can use and then Take photos of the area
Ability to take a few pictures without having to restart
Shadow and Shape ability to add different effects when photographing
The ability to include all objects in the image cursor and ...
Variety of image editing tools and features
Impractical to perform Cut, Copy, Paste, Crop, Print, Save, and ... With just one click
Ability to Rotate, Resize, and Undo / Redo unlimited
Ability to add text with custom fonts and sizes and colors and effects to image
Shape and arbitrary lines drawn on the image
Equipped with a different effect Highlight and Spotlight
The ability to capture long windows of the large pages and pages long auto Scroll, capture and storage of all parts in a video file
Desktop computer capable of taking pictures of the pages that uses multiple monitors
Improving and adding several new tools for editing images taken from screen
langkah Aktivasi
1. install Program
2. COPY PATCH ke directori installan : C:\program files\ashampo\snap
4. Setelah selesai. silahkan jalankan
5. ENjoyy.
password :
semoga bermanfaat guys
kuyhAa� androiD�?
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